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Professional Services Provided

You can count on Urban Environmental Industries Sdn Bhd to not only meet, but exceed all your needs and requests. Learn more about the services we provide below, and let us know if you’d like to explore a specific offer.

Shipping Containers



Since year 2019, UEI has ventured into sugarcane molasses trading business with an annual trading volume of 100,000MT or more for Malaysia’s local market and for export.

Molasses is an agricultural by-product from sugar refineries and mills and its quality varies by season, regional condition and manufacturing process. Our experienced team ensures that all the molasses are sourced directly from sugar refineries and mills and meets the stringent requirements and specifications so that we can deliver high quality and non-adulterated, non-food grade molasses to our customers.

We ensure that the range of quality specifications for our sourced sugarcane molasses are within the below :-

Degrees Brix   Min. 75.00

% Total Sugars as Invert (TSAI)  Above 50%



Sugar mudcake (SMC) or press mud is a major residue of sugar production from the treatment of sugar cane juice by filtration and they account for 2% of the weight of sugarcane crushed.

In sugar mills and refineries, press mud pose problems of management and final disposal. They contribute to smell pollution if pilled at random. Therefore, press mud treatment is an urgent issue for sugar mills, refineries and environmental protection departments.

UEI as a solution provider offers press mud waste collection for our clients, and we currently collect an annual collection volume of 18,000MT.

In recognition of the recovery potential of press mud, UEI has invested in R&D efforts and collaborated with academia and biotech companies to explore the commercial recovery and usage of press mud.  

Services: Services




Animal Feed

  • High in digestible energy and degradable protein

  • Promotes animal health

  • Helps growth and development of young stock

  • Increased production of milk and its fat content

  • Reduce the dusty powdery nature of some ground feed



  • High in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and sulphur

  • Molasses as host for micronutrients

  • Encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms



  • Environmentally friendly & highly efficient solution for organic soil for farmer to grow crops.

  • Producing cheaper organic soil by using pressed mud cake, farmers can benefit from the reduced cost of plantation.

Services: Services
Waste Management


True to UEI’s vision to be a pioneer in biowaste recycling for the region, we have mapped out our future project conceptualization and invested in R&D, collaborated with academics from UM, UKM and UPM, and partnered with waste management consultants and biotech companies. The aim is to create an integrated biowaste management facility to serve the region’s demands and ultimately extract the maximum practical benefits from products and generate the minimum amount of waste for the protection of human health, environment and resources conservation.

Services: News
Cogs in the Machine

In-Vessel Composting

  • Poultry / livestock manure

  • Sludge (F&B factory)

  • Food waste

  • Agricultural waste (vegetable / fruit)

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